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Vote for the next mission!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:43 pm
by bfcw
Get ready to vote on your next mission. Due to the shorter length of these missions, I (along with others) recommend bumping up the requirements on the selected mission from what is shown below. If any of the "We all love the ..." missions get selected, we'll give everyone a quick chance to add in a few more objectives depending on which class was selected. As before, select which mission you'd like to play:

Operation: Battlefield friends!
Operation: we love Rush!
operation demolition man
We all love the <Name of class>
Operation: A losing team!
Operation: James Bond
Operation: Iron Eagle

We all love the <Name of class>
Operation: We all like Assault
250/500 kills with every assault weapons, M16A3 and M16A4 is one.
250 Assault rifle ribbons
200kills with M320 and M26
Like 50000 heals.
like 2000 revivs..
Operation: We all like Support
250/500 kills with every support weapons.
250 light machine gun ribbons
200kills with C4 and Claymores.
25 with the terrible mortar.
like 20000 ressuplies.
250 ressuplie efficiency
Operation: We all like Recon
250/500 kills with every recon weapons.
250 sniper ribbons
100 surviellans efficiency ribbon
Operation: We all like Engineer
250/500 kills with every engineer weapons.
250 engineer ribbons
100 repair efficiency ribbon

operation demolition man
200/400 M320 Kills
200/400 C4 Kills
50/200 Mortar Kills
500/1000 M60 Kills
200/400 RPG Kills
200/400 T-90A Kills
200/400 BMP-2M Kills
50/100 Anti-Vehicle Ribbons
500/1000 L96 Kills
300/600 Shotgun Kills

Operation: we love Rush!
1- Total resupplies= 750
2- Total revives= 750
3- Total repairs= 750
4- Total heals= 10000
5- M-com attacker ribbon= 225 (15 players * 15 ribbon= 225)
6- M-com deffender ribbon= 75 (15 players * 5 ribbon= 75)
7- Transport warfare ribbon= 150
8- Venom= 150 kills
9- T-90A = 750 kills
10- Rush winner ribbon = 200
11- Armored warfare ribbon= 200

2500 ----- Resupplies
50 ------ Repair Tool Kills (OLYMPIC TORCH)
25 ----- Kills EOD bot Kills
1000 ---- M240B Kills
850 ----- A-91 Kills
350 ----- Claymore Kills
300 ----- LMG Ribbons
150 ----- Handgun Ribbons
200 ----- MP412 REX Kills
150 ----- Javelin Kills
300 ----- Knife Kills
50 ----- Repair Ribbons
25 ----- Anti-Vehicle Ribbons

Operation: a losing team!
Founder best weapon: 500 kills with M320 (he told me that it was not easy to kill with ...)
leader best weapon: 500 kills with a knife (he does not master well, but he often receive)
leader best weapon: 500 kills with RPG (only infantry, of course)
leader best weapon: 100 kills with the boat (the world's No. 1 is menber of this team ... no comment)
leader best weapon: 1500 with 870 kills (when you're not good, it can help you, only one shoot!)
lose conquest: 50 ribbon conquest
lose rush: 50 ribbon rush
suppression ribbon: 2000 ribbon
MVP ribbon: only 1 ribbon (not easy to be the one)
squad spawn ribbon 100 ribbon

James Bond
*Kills are for the Mini Me's
G18 Suppression- 200 Kills
AS Val- 350 Kills
M9-200 Kills
.44 Magnum- 200 Kills
M1911- 200 Kills
M98B- 200 Kills
L85A2- 200
C4-150 Kills
Surveillance Ribbons- 35
Knife-250 Kills

Operation Iron Eagle
Air Warefare Ribbon
Anti Vehicle Ribbon
Ace Squad Ribbon
Avenger Ribbon
M-COM Attacker Ribbon

Re: Vote for the next mission!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:39 pm
by jordanloftus2
whens start date. be good to have it running while double xp is on